Künstler gegen Aids Gala
Theater des Westens, Berlin
LOOOOP had the honor to make a contribution to this year's benefit gala "Artists against AIDS" of the Berlin Aids-Hilfe e.V. We presented a part of our light show "Flash" as well as the show project "TR Lights“.
The moderators Jochen Schropp and Daniel Boschmann led the evening and it was a special honor to share the stage with other artists such as Irmgard Knef or Conchita Wurst.
Past Events
For the Swiss National Day, we had the honor of topping off the stage program with our fire and light show with the enchanting live violin music of Katharina Garrard. The show was the grand finale accompanied with spectacular flames and spark effects by Ziegler Shows & Events.
Thousands of people gathered on the slopes of Bruderholz in Basel, creating an unforgettable atmosphere!
August 1th 2024Fireshow with fireworkSwiss national day Basel
11. January 2024LED-Violinen-ShowLandesmesse Stuttgart
October 06-07th und 13-14th 2023Showacts light-eventWildpark Güstrow
August 12th 2023Britzer GartennachtBerlin
July 13th 2023LED-Show cabaretDie Wühlmäuse Berlin
06. und 07. Juli 2023Anniversary festivalFerropolis
June 17th 2023Fireshow midsummer nightManson house
Nov. 2022 - Jan. 2023CruiseshipGOP showconcept
July 15th and 16th 2022Botanische NachtBerlin
August 22th 2022Wedding fireshowBerlin
June 23th 2022Company anniversary AG KinoTipi, Berlin
04. Dezember 2021Feuershow ChannukaBerlin
October 08 and 09th 2021Light event with fire- and LED showWildpark Güstrow
Octobre 08 and 09 th 2021Light event with fire- and LED ShowWildpark Güstrow
September 17th 2021LED Show at a conferencePotsdam
Septembre 25th 2021Walk Acts and fireshow for a shopping center jubileeFrauenkirche Dresden
March 13th 2021Interview about wedding showsDasHochzeitsportal, Berlin
Januar 2021Hula-Hoop und poi online classes!Juggling Academy
October 11th & 12th 2020ParkzauberHeringsdorf, Usedom
July 10th 2020Benefit FireshowKörba
June 2020Hula-Hoop VideoshootBerlin
January 16th, 2020Porsche Taycan EV car Launch EventPorsche Center Leipzig
November 2019Light and Fire FestFürstenwalde
October 24th, 201960th Corporate Gala EventHaus Ungarn, Berlin
October 11th & 12th 2019Showlights - Festival of LightsGardens of the World, Berlin
October 5th 2019Premiere Duo TrapeezeZirkus Mond, Berlin
August 11th and 12th 2019Potsdamer SchlössernachtPark Sanssouci
July 12 th 2019Lichterfest StuttgartStuttgart
Mai 01th 2019Premiere LightshowBrianza, Italy
Januar 3th 2018Masters of Dance · ProSiebenMMC Studios, Cologne
Decembre 6th- 16th 2018Dinnershow Feuer und EisGeldern
November 17th 2018Landesindustrieball ChemnitzStadthalle Chemnitz
Novembre 10th 2018Prince ball HavelnarrenPaulikloster, Brandenburg a.d. Havel
Oktober 5th & 6th 2018ShowlightsGärten der Welt
Juli 20th & 21th 2018Botanische NachtBotanical Gardens, Berlin
May 29th 2018Blockshow EuropeEstrel Berlin
January - June 2018The One Grand ShowFriedrichstadtpalast
January 13th 2018Opening Fitness studioSuperfit, Berlin
Octobre 23th 2017Künstler gegen Aids GalaTheater des Westens, Berlin
Juli 18th 2017La StradaRothenburg
June 09th - 11th 2017AsfaltartMerano, Italy
Juni 04th 2017It´s Showtime SAT 1Bavaria Filmstudios Munich
April 26th 2017Premiere Voice of ViolinBolle Festsäle, Berlin
March 20th to 27th 2017Elektrolux FrühjahrsapérosGeneva, Zurich, Bern and Basel
November 19th 2016Premiere FlashPhantasialand, Brühl
Mai 28th & Juni 4th 2016Colours of the WorldDüsseldorf and Brussels
May 01th & 02th 2016FirelifefestUshgorod, Ukraine
Decembre 2015 to February 2016Palast der PferdeFürstenfeldbruck and Vienna
September 12th & 13th 2015LollapaloozaAirport Tempelhof, Berlin
August 18th 2015CSIO MannheimMannheim
Juni 11th & 12th 2015Toyota WerbespotMarkenfilm GmbH, Berlin
April 17th & 18th 2015Kabaret KalashnikovSisyphos, Berlin
September 13th & 14th 2014ZirkArtForchheim
April 14th & 17th 2014Videoshoot A TechnologiesBratislava, Slovakia
August 30th 2013Greentec AwardsTelekom Hauptstadtrepräsentanz, Berlin
July 26th to 28th 2013La Strada AugsburgAugsburg
August 12th to 14th 2011EJC GalashowZirkus Krone, Munich
Juni 9th to 12th 2011Kiev Fire FestUcraine
June 2010Kid PoiBerlin
Please use our booking form for a non-binding and free offer or send us an email with your wishes and information about the event. We would be happy to send you an offer and get back to you immediately.

Christina Lange
Phone: +49 (0) 176 631 535 90